Acer griseum
ca$ 4.45 |
An excellent, slow-growing ornamental deciduous tree with peeling, orange-brown bark. The 3-palmate dark green leaves turn orange, red and scarlet in autumn. Height and spread to 30 feet. Grow in fertile, moist well-draining soil in sun or part shade. |
Acer tegmentosum
ca$ 4.45 |
Broadly-vase-shaped deciduous tree with green-and-white-striped bark. The ovate 3-lobed green leaves turn yellow in fall. Height 25 feet; spread 30 feet. Lovely tree for a shady woodland setting. |
Decaisnea insignis
Syn. Decaisnea fargesii Syn. Slackia insignis
ca$ 4.45 |
A multi-trunked deciduous shrub or small tree, Decaisnea rarely exceeds 5-6 meters in height, with a similar spread. The bright green pinnate leaves, which can be as long as 90cm (3ft), emerge in mid-spring. The pendent panicles of blooms, up to 45cm (18in) long, have sparse bright green-yellow... |
Euonymus myrianthus
ca$ 4.45 |
This large evergreen shrub, or small tree, has dull to glossy bright green leaves, smooth dark grey bark on the branches, and produces bright yellow-orange fruit that can persist through much of the winter, when conditions are favourable. |
Euonymus sachalinensis
ca$ 4.45 |
This large shrub, or small tree, has larger leaves than the closely related <i><b>Euonymus alatus</i></b>, smaller corky wings on the branches, and can produce one of the most unusual colour palettes in the autumn, with a mix of green, red and even white leaves. The unusual... |
Halesia carolina
ca$ 4.50 |
This small, spreading deciduous tree has elliptic, finely toothed green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. In late spring, profuse clusters of up to six pendent, bell-shaped white flowers emerge just prior to the leaves. Height 25 feet; spread 30 feet. |
Styrax obassia
ca$ 4.50 |
This broadly columnar deciduous tree has rounded dark green leaves and bears fragrant bell-shaped white flowers in pendent racemes in early summer. Yellow fall foliage. Height to 40 feet; spread 22 feet. |
Pinus densiflora 'var. Oculus Draconis'
ca$ 4.75 |
This slow-growing conical pine becomes flat-topped with age. It features reddish-brown bark and each slender green leaf has two distinctive yellow bands. Bears blue-green female cones. Height 20-40 feet; spread 15-20 feet. |
Acer maximowiczii
ca$ 4.95 |
This upright vase-shaped deciduous tree has arching branches which become green and white striped with age. Pointed tri-lobed dark green leaves turn brilliant yellow-orange-red in fall. Height to 30 feet; spread 15 feet. |
Picea omorika
ca$ 4.95 |
This narrow, spire-like evergreen conifer has pendent branches that ascend at the tips and has brown bark cracking into square plates. The flattened blue-green needles are white beneath. Bears ovate, purplish-brown female cones to 3 inches long. Height 70 feet; spread 6-10 feet. |