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Camassia quamash
ca$ 4.25
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Displaying 11 to 20 (of 27 seeds varieties) Result Pages: << Prev   1  2  3  Next >> 
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Dipteronia sinensis Dipteronia sinensis 

 ca$ 4.25  Buy Now 
Spreading deciduous tree with pinnate leaves that bears erect panicles of small greenish-white flowers in summer. Flowers are followed by flat winged red-brown fruit. Height and spread 30 feet. 
Euonymus myrianthus Euonymus myrianthus 

 ca$ 4.45  Buy Now 
This large evergreen shrub, or small tree, has dull to glossy bright green leaves, smooth dark grey bark on the branches, and produces bright yellow-orange fruit that can persist through much of the winter, when conditions are favourable. 
Euonymus sachalinensis Euonymus sachalinensis 

 ca$ 4.45  Buy Now 
This large shrub, or small tree, has larger leaves than the closely related <i><b>Euonymus alatus</i></b>, smaller corky wings on the branches, and can produce one of the most unusual colour palettes in the autumn, with a mix of green, red and even white leaves. The unusual... 
Franklinia alatamaha Franklinia alatamaha 

 ca$ 7.95  Buy Now 
This small, upright deciduous tree has glossy dark green leaves that turn red in fall. Bears cup-shaped fragrant white flowers with yellow stamens in late summer. Suits a woodland garden. Height and spread is 15 feet. 
Halesia carolina Halesia carolina 

 ca$ 4.50  Buy Now 
This small, spreading deciduous tree has elliptic, finely toothed green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. In late spring, profuse clusters of up to six pendent, bell-shaped white flowers emerge just prior to the leaves. Height 25 feet; spread 30 feet. 
Illicium henryi Illicium henryi 

 ca$ 4.25  Buy Now 
Pyramidal evergreen shrub with lance-shaped glossy green leaves. The leaves are anise-scented and deer-resistant. Bears star-shaped pink to crimson flowers in late spring, followed by red-brown star-shaped fruit. 6-8 feet height and spread. 
Koelreuteria paniculata Koelreuteria paniculata 

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
Spreading, deciduous tree with pinnate leaves up to 18 inches long. Bears yellow flowers in large pyramidal panicles in mid to late summer, followed by bladder-like pink-flushed fruit capsules. Height and spread is 30 feet. 
Larix kaempferi Larix kaempferi 

 ca$ 4.25  Buy Now 
Conical deciduous coniferous tree with rust-brown, fissured bark.Purplish-red winter shoots are covered in a waxy bloom. Needles are gray-green or bluish green. Height 100 feet; spread 20 feet. 
Picea omorika Picea omorika 

 ca$ 4.95  Buy Now 
This narrow, spire-like evergreen conifer has pendent branches that ascend at the tips and has brown bark cracking into square plates. The flattened blue-green needles are white beneath. Bears ovate, purplish-brown female cones to 3 inches long. Height 70 feet; spread 6-10 feet. 
Pinus densiflora 'var. Oculus Draconis' Pinus densiflora 'var. Oculus Draconis' 

 ca$ 4.75  Buy Now 
This slow-growing conical pine becomes flat-topped with age. It features reddish-brown bark and each slender green leaf has two distinctive yellow bands. Bears blue-green female cones. Height 20-40 feet; spread 15-20 feet. 
Displaying 11 to 20 (of 27 seeds varieties) Result Pages: << Prev   1  2  3  Next >> 
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01.Decaisnea insignis
02.Stewartia monadelpha
03.Zanthoxylum simulans
04.Stewartia pseudocamellia
05.Euonymus sachalinensis
06.Cydonia oblonga
07.Acer griseum
08.Stewartia sinensis
09.Euonymus myrianthus
10.Crataegus pinnatifida
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