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Lobelia tupa
ca$ 4.25
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A - C

A - C
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 36 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1  2  3  4  Next >> 
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Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia 'Lucifer' 

 ca$ 3.45  Buy Now 
Large clump-forming perennial with pleated green leaves and bright red flowers borne in arching spikes on wiry stems in midsummer. Height 3-4 feet. Grow at the edge of a shrub border or in a herbaceous border. Makes an excellent cut flower. 
Corydalis cheilanthifolia Corydalis cheilanthifolia 

 ca$ 4.45  Buy Now 
This evergreen, rosette-forming perennial has fern-like green leaves and bears dense spikes of straight-spurred deep yellow flowers from spring to summer. Height and spread is 12 inches. 
Cornus canadensis Cornus canadensis 

 ca$ 3.99  Buy Now 
This spreading subshrub has terminal lance-shaped green leaves and bears green flowers in cymes surrounded by white bracts in spring. The flowers are followed by bright red, spherical fruit. Height 6 inches; spread indefinite. Suits a woodland garden or use as groundcover. 
Chelone obliqua Chelone obliqua 

 ca$ 4.00  Buy Now 
This erect perennial has lance-shaped drak green leaves and bears dark pink flowers with sparse yellow beards in late summer. Height 24 inches; spread 12 inches. 
Cardiocrinum giganteum Cardiocrinum giganteum 

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
Growing up to 3m (10ft) or more in height when flowering, these beautiful bulbous perennial plants produce tall spires with large scented blooms in early summer. The mid to dark green heart-shaped leaves form attractive hosta-like rosettes on immature plants. 
Campanula persicifolia Campanula persicifolia 

 ca$ 3.45  Buy Now 
This rosette-forming perennial has lance-shaped basal evergreen leaves and in early to mid-summer bears racemes of two to three bell-shaped lilac-blue to white flowers on slender stems. Height to 3 feet;spread 12 inches. Suits a mixed or herbaceous border or a cottage garden. 
Campanula latifolia Campanula latifolia 

 ca$ 3.45  Buy Now 
This vigorous, upright perennial bears tubular-bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, violet or white from axils of the upper leaves in summer. Height to 4 feet; spread 2 feet. 
Campanula lactiflora Campanula lactiflora 

 ca$ 3.45  Buy Now 
This upright perennial, growing to 2 meters (6ft) in height, covers itself in masses of milky white, pale blue or pale mauve blooms in early summer, making a spectacular show for traditional border plantings, or for a cottage garden. 
Camassia quamash Camassia quamash 

 ca$ 4.25  Buy Now 
This bulbous perennial is smaller than the other Camassias, but is nonetheless a very desirable and attractive plant to grow in your garden. Height 8-32 inches. When given sufficient moisture and a suitable location, this species is able to naturalize easily. 
Camassia leichtlinii subsp suksdorfii Camassia leichtlinii subsp suksdorfii 

 ca$ 4.15  Buy Now 
Bulbous perennial with linear leaves 20-60 cm long. In late spring, bears terminal racemes 10-30 cm long of star-shaped, blue-purple flowers on leafless stems. Grow in a border or wild flower meadow or in a container. 
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 36 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1  2  3  4  Next >> 
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01.Allium cernuum
02.Allium hollandicum
03.Campanula lactiflora
05.Cardiocrinum giganteum
06.Aquilegia formosa
07.Camassia quamash
08.Camassia leichtlinii
09.Astrantia major
10.Allium schubertii
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   Thursday 13 February, 2025       58,876,026 requests since Thursday 18 September, 2003