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A - C

A - C
Displaying 11 to 20 (of 36 seeds varieties) Result Pages: << Prev   1  2  3  4  Next >> 
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Anemone multifida Anemone multifida 

 ca$ 4.00  Buy Now 
This vigorous perennial has palmate green basal leaves with finely divided leaflets and bears umbels of creamy yellow flowers in summer. Height 12 inches; spread 6 inches. 
Anemone pulsatilla Anemone pulsatilla 

  Syn. Pulsatilla vulgaris
 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
This perennial has finely divided, pinnate light green leaves and bears pale purple bell-shaped flowers in spring. Flowers are followed by spherical, silvery seed-heads. 8 inch height and spread. 
Aquilegia chrysantha Aquilegia chrysantha 

 ca$ 3.45  Sold Out
Growing 60-90cm (2-3ft) in height, it will produce clear yellow flowers, held well above the foliage on slender stems, in the spring to early summer. 
Aquilegia formosa Aquilegia formosa 

 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
Airy perennial with deeply divided leaflets bears pendent flowers with orange sepals, yellow petals with red lobes and reddish-orange spurs. Height 24-36 inches; spread 18 inches. 
Aquilegia vulgaris 'mixed' Aquilegia vulgaris 'mixed' 

 ca$ 3.65  Buy Now 
This is a pale blue selection of that delightful, and reliable, old fashioned perennial so many people remember from their childhood. Growing 60-90cm (2-3ft) in height, it will produce its flowers held well above the foliage on slender stems, in the spring to early summer. Height to 3 feet; spread... 
Arisaema flavum Arisaema flavum 

 ca$ 4.45  Buy Now 
Ariseamas are a true collector’s plant, and a superb addition to any woodland garden. This tuberous perennial has palmate green leaves and bears greenish yellow spathes in summer. 4-18 inches tall. 
Arisaema ringens Arisaema ringens 

 ca$ 4.50  Buy Now 
This tuberous perennial has glossy green leaves, each comprising 3 pointed leaflets and bears a hooded and curled, green and purple-striped spathe below its leaves in early summer. Flowers are followed by bright orange-red fruits. Height 12 inches. 
Armeria pseudarmeria Armeria pseudarmeria 

 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
Although this close relative of common thrift looks like a perennial, this Portuguese species is actually a very small shrub. It has lance-shaped green leaves and bears white or pale pink flowerheads on stems 10-20 inches long in summer. Height 20 inches; spread 12 inches. 
Arnica chamissonis Arnica chamissonis 

 ca$ 3.45  Buy Now 
Native Pacific Northwest perennial with green leaves and bearing pale yellow daisy-like flowers. Height to 3 feet. 
Asphodeline lutea Asphodeline lutea 

 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
In late spring these attractive grass-like clumping perennials will produce dense spears, up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, of fragrant yellow blooms. Elegant. 
Displaying 11 to 20 (of 36 seeds varieties) Result Pages: << Prev   1  2  3  4  Next >> 
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01.Allium cernuum
02.Allium hollandicum
03.Campanula lactiflora
05.Cardiocrinum giganteum
06.Aquilegia formosa
07.Camassia quamash
08.Camassia leichtlinii
09.Astrantia major
10.Allium schubertii
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   Sunday 09 February, 2025       58,825,581 requests since Thursday 18 September, 2003