Astrantia major
ca$ 3.65 |
This clump-forming perennial has deeply toothed basal leaves. Green-veined white bracts surround the small green or pink umbel flowers. 12 to 36 inches high; 18 inch spread. |
Aubrieta deltoidea
ca$ 3.65 |
Wonderful cushions of pink or purple that drape attractively over walls and in rock gardens. This mat-forming evergreen perennial produces numerous 4-petaled pink to purple flowers in spring. Suits a rockgarden or use as a groundcover on a sunny bank. Height 2 inches; spread 24 inches. |
Baptisia australis
ca$ 3.95 |
This erect perennial has glaucous stems with palmate green leaves and bears dark blue flowers in early summer, followed by black seed pods. Great for flower arrangements. Height 5 feet; spread 2 feet. |
Begonia grandis var. alba
ca$ 4.50 |
This bulbous begonia has ovate, olive-green leaves that are red beneath and bears pendent cymes of fragrant pinkish-white flowers in summer. Height 24 inches; spread 18 inches. |
Camassia cusickii
ca$ 4.35 |
This bulb produces pale to steel blue flowers in late spring on flower spikes up to almost a meter in height above wavy edged glaucous-green leaves. Height 24-36 inches. |
Camassia leichtlinii
ca$ 4.15 |
This bulbous perennial can be taller than the closely related Camassia quamash, reaching heights of 1.4m (50in). It also tends to be slightly hardier and better suited to colder conditions. This seed was collected from predominantly white flowered plants, but there may be a small percentage of seed... |
Camassia leichtlinii subsp suksdorfii
ca$ 4.15 |
Bulbous perennial with linear leaves 20-60 cm long. In late spring, bears terminal racemes 10-30 cm long of star-shaped, blue-purple flowers on leafless stems. Grow in a border or wild flower meadow or in a container. |
Camassia quamash
ca$ 4.25 |
This bulbous perennial is smaller than the other Camassias, but is nonetheless a very desirable and attractive plant to grow in your garden. Height 8-32 inches. When given sufficient moisture and a suitable location, this species is able to naturalize easily. |
Campanula lactiflora
ca$ 3.45 |
This upright perennial, growing to 2 meters (6ft) in height, covers itself in masses of milky white, pale blue or pale mauve blooms in early summer, making a spectacular show for traditional border plantings, or for a cottage garden. |
Campanula latifolia
ca$ 3.45 |
This vigorous, upright perennial bears tubular-bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, violet or white from axils of the upper leaves in summer. Height to 4 feet; spread 2 feet. |