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A - C

A - C
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 36 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1  2  3  4  Next >> 
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Actaea pachypoda Actaea pachypoda 

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This clump-forming woodland perennial has ovate green leaves and bears white flowers in spherical racemes, followed by spherical white berries, each with a black eye. 36 inches high and 18 inch spread. 
Agapanthus Agapanthus 

 ca$ 3.25  Buy Now 
Broad strap-like leaves are evergreen in frost-free climates. The upright umbels of bright blue flowers emerge in early to midsummer. Height 2 feet; spread 18 inches. 
Allium cernuum Allium cernuum 

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This BC native perennial wild flower blooms in summer. The pendent pale pink flowers are held well above the narrow grey-green leaves. Height and spread 12 inches. 
Allium hollandicum Allium hollandicum 

 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
The tall stems of this bulbous perennial ( 50-100cm, 2-3 ft.) support large clusters of bright purple flowers in late spring, early summer. 
Allium moly Allium moly 

 ca$ 3.45  Buy Now 
Bulbous perennial with gray-green leaves producing umbels of bright golden yellow flowers in summer. Ideal for naturalizing in light woodland or near shrubs. 
Allium schoenoprasum Allium schoenoprasum 

  Syn. Chives
 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
What can we say? These are the real deal. Having baked potatoes anytime soon? Then you'll need a patch of these little treasures. Also makes an excellent perennial garden plant. Height and spread 12 inches. 
Allium schubertii Allium schubertii 

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This allium produces umbels 12 inches across of up to 50 star-shaped pale purple flowers in early summer. Height 12-24 inches. 
Alstroemeria ligtu subsp. ligtu Alstroemeria ligtu subsp. ligtu 

  Syn. Alstroemeria haemantha
 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This is a herbaceous, perennial plant producing a cluster of upright stems up to 90cm tall from an underground, tuberous rootstock. The roots spread, forming in time quite a large clump of growth. Flowers are lily-like, in variable colours from red, purple, orange to pink, and are frequently used... 
Amsonia tabernaemontana Amsonia tabernaemontana 

 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
This clump-forming perennial grows up to 1m(3ft) in height, has small elliptic dark green leaves and bears pale blue star-like blooms in the late spring to mid-summer. Height 24 inches;spread 18 inches. 
Anemone coronaria Anemone coronaria 

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This erect perennial has palmate, green, finely-lobed leaflets and bears single, solitary red, blue or white flowers in spring. Height 12-18 inches; spread 6 inches. Winter-flowering in the wild, and the basis of many cultivars. 
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 36 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1  2  3  4  Next >> 
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01.Allium cernuum
02.Allium hollandicum
03.Campanula lactiflora
04.Cardiocrinum giganteum
06.Aquilegia formosa
07.Camassia quamash
08.Camassia leichtlinii
09.Astrantia major
10.Allium schubertii
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   Thursday 13 February, 2025       58,875,894 requests since Thursday 18 September, 2003