Allium schubertii
ca$ 3.95 |
This allium produces umbels 12 inches across of up to 50 star-shaped pale purple flowers in early summer. Height 12-24 inches. |
Alstroemeria ligtu subsp. ligtu
Syn. Alstroemeria haemantha
ca$ 3.95 |
This is a herbaceous, perennial plant producing a cluster of upright stems up to 90cm tall from an underground, tuberous rootstock. The roots spread, forming in time quite a large clump of growth. Flowers are lily-like, in variable colours from red, purple, orange to pink, and are frequently used... |
Anemone coronaria
ca$ 3.95 |
This erect perennial has palmate, green, finely-lobed leaflets and bears single, solitary red, blue or white flowers in spring. Height 12-18 inches; spread 6 inches. Winter-flowering in the wild, and the basis of many cultivars. |
Baptisia australis
ca$ 3.95 |
This erect perennial has glaucous stems with palmate green leaves and bears dark blue flowers in early summer, followed by black seed pods. Great for flower arrangements. Height 5 feet; spread 2 feet. |
Cardiocrinum giganteum
ca$ 3.95 |
Growing up to 3m (10ft) or more in height when flowering, these beautiful bulbous perennial plants produce tall spires with large scented blooms in early summer. The mid to dark green heart-shaped leaves form attractive hosta-like rosettes on immature plants. |
Cornus canadensis
ca$ 3.99 |
This spreading subshrub has terminal lance-shaped green leaves and bears green flowers in cymes surrounded by white bracts in spring. The flowers are followed by bright red, spherical fruit. Height 6 inches; spread indefinite. Suits a woodland garden or use as groundcover. |
Anemone multifida
ca$ 4.00 |
This vigorous perennial has palmate green basal leaves with finely divided leaflets and bears umbels of creamy yellow flowers in summer. Height 12 inches; spread 6 inches. |
Chelone obliqua
ca$ 4.00 |
This erect perennial has lance-shaped drak green leaves and bears dark pink flowers with sparse yellow beards in late summer. Height 24 inches; spread 12 inches. |
Camassia leichtlinii
ca$ 4.15 |
This bulbous perennial can be taller than the closely related Camassia quamash, reaching heights of 1.4m (50in). It also tends to be slightly hardier and better suited to colder conditions. This seed was collected from predominantly white flowered plants, but there may be a small percentage of seed... |
Camassia leichtlinii subsp suksdorfii
ca$ 4.15 |
Bulbous perennial with linear leaves 20-60 cm long. In late spring, bears terminal racemes 10-30 cm long of star-shaped, blue-purple flowers on leafless stems. Grow in a border or wild flower meadow or in a container. |