Delphinium 'mixed blues'
ca$ 3.25 |
Tall perennial that produces showy spikes of shallowly cupped flowers in shades of blue or white in summer. Height 5 feet; spread 2 feet. |
Eremurus × isabellinus
ca$ 3.25 |
Tufted perennial with lance-shaped green leaves which bears golden yellow flowers in racemes 8-20 inches long. Height to 8 feet. |
Echinops sphaerocephalus
Syn. Echinops maximus
ca$ 3.35 |
This is a glandular, woolly perennial herbaceous plant which reaches on average 50–100 centimetres (20–39 in) of height, with a maximum of two metres. Its erect, branching, gray, slightly wrinkled and hairy stems bear the occasional large, soft, sharply toothed, sharp-lobed pointed green leaves.... |
Dianthus anatolicus
ca$ 3.45 |
This compact evergreen perennial forms spreading cushions of small green leaves with single white flowers appearing in late spring and summer. Height and spread is .5 meters. |
Dianthus deltoides
ca$ 3.45 |
Mat-forming pink with dark green leaves that bears solitary scentless single flowers in white, deep pink or red in summer. Height and spread 8-12 inches. |
Iris sibirica 'blue selection'
ca$ 3.45 |
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, grass-like leaves that produces blue flowers about 3 inches across from mid-spring to early summer. Height 20-48 inches. Suitable for an open herbaceous or mixed border. |
Echinacea purpurea
Syn. Rudbeckia purpurea
ca$ 3.55 |
This erect perennial has lance-shaped, slightly hairy leaves and bears 6-inch flowerheads with conical, orange-brown disks and pink or purplish-pink ray florets. Height to 4 feet. |
Echinops bannaticus
ca$ 3.55 |
The prickly, grey-green leaves and powder-blue pompon flowers of this variety of globe thistle make it a striking architectural plant for the back of a summer border. It also works well planted in drifts in a wild garden. The flowers attract large numbers of bees, butterflies and other insects, and... |
Festuca glauca
ca$ 3.65 |
This densely tufted, perennial evergreen grass forms a tidy mound of blue-green leaves up to 12 inches high. Bears violet-flushed flower spikelets in early summer. |
Dodecatheon hendersonii
ca$ 3.75 |
Rosette-forming perennial with dark green oblong leaves. In early summer, bears rich rose-purple flowers with sharply reflexed petals on eight-inch stems, with circles of gold and amber around the base. Plants go dormant in summer after flowering. Suitable for a woodland or rock garden. |