Geranium sylvaticum
ca$ 3.75 |
This clump-forming perennial has 7-lobed basal leaved which are deeply cut and toothed. Bears cymes of erect saucer-shaped pinkish-purple flowers with white centers in late spring to early summer. |
Geranium wallichianum
ca$ 3.75 |
This little geranium tends to to mound nicely unless crowded, then it will scramble through other taller perennials and grasses, but since the trailing stems do not root readily, it's easy to control. This seed was collected from variable selections of the species, so colours will vary from blue... |
Iris sibirica 'Alba'
ca$ 3.75 |
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, grass-like leaves that produces white flowers about 3 inches across from mid-spring to early summer. Height 20-48 inches. Suitable for an open herbaceous or mixed border. |
Darmera peltata
ca$ 3.95 |
Preferring boggy and damp conditions, this striking perennial will enhance any pool, pond or stream side. The small pale pink clusters of flowers that arise before the leaves in spring, extend and darken as the leaves emerge, creating an entirely new floral display later in the season. The rounded,... |
Dicentra formosa
ca$ 3.95 |
This small perennial wild flower native to British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest is an elegant addition to any woodland garden. This spreading perennial has glaucous lobed leaves and bears heart-shaped pink flowers in late spring. 18 inches high; 24 inches spread. |
Digitalis grandiflora
ca$ 3.95 |
Pale yellow flowers are produced on spikes that rarely exceed a meter (3ft.) in height on this clump-forming biennial or perennial. |
Eriophyllum lanatum
ca$ 3.95 |
This variable species is a perennial from 8-24 inches in height with multiple, spreading branches; white-woolly, lobed leaves and large (2 in.) yellow, sunflower-like flowers solitary at the ends of stems. It is a shrubby plant with a woody base and is drought-tolerant. It is highly attractive to... |
Eryngium agavifolium
ca$ 3.95 |
Rosette-forming evergreen perennial with sharply toothed, sword-shaped leaves. Produces cylindrical umbels of greenish-white flowers with spiny bracts in late summer. Height 3-5 feet; spread 2 feet. |
Eryngium bourgatii
ca$ 3.95 |
Clump-forming, taprooted herbaceous perennial with rounded, pinnatifid, spiny dark green basal leaves with conspicuous silver veins. In mid to late summer, blue stems bear blue flowers in cylindrical umbels 1-1/4 inches long, with lance-shaped blue-tinged silver brachts. Height 18 inches; spread 12... |
Eryngium giganteum
ca$ 3.95 |
You can look at this plant as either a short lived perennial or a very long lived biennial, but however you wish to describe it, it is a beautiful plant for the mixed border or the cutting garden. The flowers dry superbly. This rosette-forming taprooted plant has heart-shaped basal leaves and bears... |