Liatris spicata
ca$ 3.75 |
This perennial has much to offer - The tufts of grass-like leaves give rise to dense spikes of mauve to lavender coloured flowers in the early summer. The unusual trait is that the buds open from the top down, quite the opposite of most plants. Add to that the dramatic appearance of the dried... |
Libertia chilensis
Syn. Libertia formosa
ca$ 3.75 |
This evergreen perennial has strap-like green leaves and bears saucer-shaped white flowers in spring and summer. This easy-care plant is drought-tolerant once established. Height and spread to 3 feet. |
Ligularia sp
ca$ 3.95 |
This large perennial has kidney-shaped to rounded toothed leaves born on long stalks and bears terminal corymbs of many daisy-like yellow flowers in summer. Height and spread is 3 to 5 feet. Makes an imposing waterside plant. |
Lilium columbianum
ca$ 3.85 |
Bulbous perennial with whorled, lanceolate leaves. In July-August bears flowers with tepals that are yellow-orange to reddish-orange, stongly reflexed and with spots in the centers. Height 5-6 feet. |
Lilium martagon
ca$ 3.85 |
This lily bears racemes of many small pendent or nodding pink recurved flowers with some darker coloured spotting. 3 to 6 feet height. |
Lobelia tupa
ca$ 4.25 |
Growing up to 2m (6ft) high and as wide, this perennial has large felted light grey-green leaves and impressive flower spike covered in hooked red blooms, which are a particular favourite of humming birds. Given a sunny site with excellent drainage and room to grow, this lobelia will make an impact... |
Lupinus polyphyllus
ca$ 4.15 |
This native perennial plant produces several tall stems from a branched crown. It has dense blue to violet flowers from early to late summer. Height to 4 feet. |
Maianthemum racemosum
Syn. Smilacena racemosa
ca$ 4.25 |
This rhizomatous woodland perennial has prominently-veined leaves along arching stems and bears panicles of creamy-white flowers in mid-spring, followed by green berries that often ripen to red. Height to 3 feet. |
Meconopsis betonicifolia
ca$ 4.25 |
This is the legendary blue-flowered poppy that many experienced gardeners seek out. While the moist cool climate of the southern British Columbian coast suits them well, gardeners in Edmonton, Canada (cold continental winters) to Australia (subtropical climate) have had success in growing and... |
Molinia caerulea
Syn. Aira caerulea
ca$ 3.50 |
Perennial ornamental grass with mid-green leaves with purple bases. Bears purple spikelts on yellow-tinted stems from spring to autumn. To 5 feet high. |