Sanguisorba minor
ca$ 3.45 |
This herbaceous perennial has pinnate green leaves and bears small pinkish flowers in erect ovoid spikes in summer. Height to 2 feet. |
Tulipa tarda
ca$ 3.45 |
This bulbous perennial has lance-shaped bright green leaves and bears four to six star-shaped flowers in mid-season. Flowers are white on the tips and yellow on the lower half inside. Height is 4-6 inches. |
Vancouveria hexandra
ca$ 3.60 |
This deciduous perennial spreads by rhizomes and has 2-ternate leaves. In late spring, wiry leafless stems bear loose panicles of white flowers with reflexed petals. Spread is 16 inches. Makes a nice groundcover for a woodland or rock garden. |
Silene viscaria
Syn. Lychnis viscaria
ca$ 3.65 |
Mat-forming perennial with lance-shaped dark green leaves. Bears narrow, spike-like panicles of numerous salverform, purple-pink flowers in early and midsummer. Height and spread is 18 inches. Grow in a sunny border or a wild garden. |
Silene yunnanensis
Syn. Lychnis yunnanensis
ca$ 3.75 |
This perennial bears fragrant purplish-pink flowers in mid-spring. Attracts bees and butterflies. Height 6-12 inches; spread 6-9 inches. |
Tellima grandiflora
ca$ 3.75 |
This herbaceous perennial British Columbia native produces basal leaves and tall flowering stems from mid spring to mid summer. The flowers start white and turn pink with age. The leaves remain evergreen in mild winters and the plant spreads enthusiastically to form a dense ground cover. Height to... |
Thalictrum rochebruneanum
ca$ 3.75 |
This upright perennial has lobed leaves and bears small white or lavender-pink flowers with pendent yellow stamens in loose panicles in summer. Height 36 inches; spread 12 inches. |
Tulipa clusiana
ca$ 3.75 |
This wonderful species tulip comes true from seed and is a must for the spring alpine/rock garden. Although bulbs are available in some markets, growing your own from seed can be very rewarding. |
Salvia forskaohlii
ca$ 3.95 |
Bright mauve-blue flowers with distinctive white eyes are produced in profusion in the summer and early autumn. This semi-evergreen, bushy perennial is an excellent choice for planting at the edge of a pond, steam, or in the light shade of a woodland garden. Height and spread to 3 feet. |
Scabiosa japonica
ca$ 3.95 |
This clump forming biennial or short-lived perennial has lance shaped grey-green leaves reaching 70 cm and spreading to 30 cm. It will bear showy lilac blue flower heads, 3" across, in mid-late summer. |