Acer circinatum
ca$ 4.25 |
This spreading, bushy deciduous tree has rounded, deeply lobed light green leaves that turn orange and red in fall. Height 15 feet;spread 20 feet. |
Aquilegia formosa
ca$ 3.75 |
Airy perennial with deeply divided leaflets bears pendent flowers with orange sepals, yellow petals with red lobes and reddish-orange spurs. Height 24-36 inches; spread 18 inches. |
Berberis aquifolium
Syn. Mahonia aquifolium
ca$ 3.95 |
Glossy green leaves on this evergreen shrub are flushed red in the winter then topped by bright yellow flowers in the spring. The flowers are followed by purple-blue, edible fruit that are excellent for making jam and preserves. Height 3 feet; spread 5 feet. |
Camassia leichtlinii
ca$ 4.15 |
This species can be taller than the closely related Camassia quamash, reaching heights of 1.4m (50in). It also tends to be slightly hardier and better suited to colder conditions. This seed was collected from predominantly white flowered plants, but there may be a small percentage of seed from the... |
Camassia leichtlinii 'Alba'
ca$ 4.15 |
This species can be taller than the closely related Camassia quamash, reaching heights of 1.4m (50in). It also tends to be slightly hardier and better suited to colder conditions. |
Camassia leichtlinii subsp suksdorfii
ca$ 4.15 |
Bulbous perennial with linear leaves 20-60 cm long. In late spring, bears terminal racemes 10-30 cm long of star-shaped, purple flowers on leafless stems. Grow in a border or wild flower meadow or in a container. |
Camassia quamash
ca$ 4.25 |
This bulbous perennial is smaller than the other Camassias, but is nonetheless a very desirable and attractive plant to grow in your garden. Height 8-32 inches. When given sufficient moisture and a suitable location, this species is able to naturalize easily. |
Dicentra formosa
ca$ 3.95 |
This small wild flower native to British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest is an elegant addition to any woodland garden. This spreading perennial has glaucous lobed leaves and bears heart-shaped pink flowers in late spring. 18 inches high; 24 inches spread. |
Dodecatheon hendersonii
ca$ 3.75 |
Rosette-forming perennial with dark green oblong leaves. In early summer, bears rich rose-purple flowers with sharply reflexed petals on eight-inch stems, with circles of gold and amber around the base. Plants go dormant in summer after flowering. Suitable for a woodland or rock garden. |
Erythronium oregonum
ca$ 4.35 |
Bulbous perennial with brown-mottled shiny green leaves that bears creamy-white flowers with yellow centers in spring. Height 14 inches. |