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Lobelia tupa
Lobelia tupa
ca$ 4.25
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Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1 
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Bupleurum fruticosum Bupleurum fruticosum

 ca$ 4.25  Buy Now 
Spreading, dense evergreen shrub with slender erect shoots and narrowly obovate, blue-green leaves to 3 inches long. The leaves commonly have seven parallel veins. From July to September, the plant bears small star-shaped yellow flowers in domed, terminal umbels about 1-1/2 inches across. Height to... 
Selinum carvifolia Selinum carvifolia

 ca$ 4.25  Buy Now 
This clump-forming, tap-rooted perennial has finely-divided pinnate leaves on erect stems and bears tiny star-shaped white flowers in terminal umbels from mid-summer through fall. Height spread 3-1/2 feet. Suits a wilder garden and mixes well with ornamental grasses. Attracts bees and butterflies. 
Eryngium agavifolium Eryngium agavifolium

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
Rosette-forming evergreen perennial with sharply toothed, sword-shaped leaves. Produces cylindrical umbels of greenish-white flowers with spiny bracts in late summer. Height 3-5 feet; spread 2 feet. 
Eryngium giganteum Eryngium giganteum

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
You can look at this plant as either a short lived perennial or a very long lived biennial, but however you wish to describe it, it is a beautiful plant for the mixed border or the cutting garden. The flowers dry superbly. This rosette-forming taprooted plant has heart-shaped basal leaves and bears... 
Eryngium planum Eryngium planum

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This tap-rooted evergreen perennial has toothed dark green basal leaves and bears branching stems with cylindrical umbels of light blue flowers with spiky blue-green bracts in mid-summer. Height 3 feet. 
Astrantia major Astrantia major

 ca$ 3.65  Buy Now 
This clump-forming perennial has deeply toothed basal leaves. Green-veined white bracts surround the small green or pink umbel flowers. 12 to 36 inches high; 18 inch spread. 
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1 
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01.Papaver somniferum 'mauve'
02.Gaultheria shallon
03.Meconopsis betonicifolia
04.Decaisnea insignis
05.Primula 'VanDusen Types'
06.Stewartia monadelpha
07.Darmera peltata
08.Allium cernuum
09.Papaver somniferum 'red'
10.Zanthoxylum simulans
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   Thursday 13 February, 2025       58,874,065 requests since Thursday 18 September, 2003