Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 seeds varieties) |
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Geranium macrorrhizum
ca$ 4.50 |
This rhizomatous evergreen perennial has 7-lobed, aromatic light green leaves that color well in autumn. In early summer bears clusters of erect pink flowers with slightly reflexed petals. Good as a groundcover in shade. Height 20 inches; spread 28 inches. |
Geranium sanguineum
ca$ 3.95 |
This dense, clump-forming perennial has deeply cut and toothed green leaves and bears many cup-shaped magenta flowers with darker veins in summer. Height 8 inches; spread 12 inches. |
Geranium sinense
ca$ 4.25 |
This deciduous perennial has dark green mottled leaves and bears black/maroon flowers with reflexed petals and crimson beaks in late summer. Height 2-24 inches; spread 12 inches. |
Geranium sylvaticum
ca$ 3.75 |
This clump-forming perennial has 7-lobed basal leaved which are deeply cut and toothed. Bears cymes of erect saucer-shaped pinkish-purple flowers with white centers in late spring to early summer. |
Geranium wallichianum
ca$ 3.75 |
This little geranium tends to to mound nicely unless crowded, then it will scramble through other taller perennials and grasses, but since the trailing stems do not root readily, it's easy to control. This seed was collected from variable selections of the species, so colours will vary from blue... |
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 seeds varieties) |
Result Pages: 1 |
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