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Actaea pachypoda
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Displaying 1 to 10 (of 10 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1 
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Crataegus pinnatifida Crataegus pinnatifida

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This small to medium sized tree covers itself in pink blooms in the spring, which at 1.5cm (3/4 of an inch) are large for the genus. The rich red berries persist well into the winter, providing a feast for the eyes, and later for the birds. Height and spread 25 feet. 
Cydonia oblonga Cydonia oblonga

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
A large shrub or small tree to 20ft., the Quince is an excellent choice for almost any garden. The aromatic fruit has a vaguely citrus-like scent and is rich in pectin for making fine traditional jellies. The fruit, with a somewhat gritty texture like a pear, turns deep pink when cooked. It has a... 
Geum magellanicum Geum magellanicum

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This low-maintenance perennial has pinnatisect, toothed green leaves borne in basal rosettes and produces orange-red 5-petaled flowers from spring to summer on wiry stems. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Height and spread is 16 inches. 
Holodiscus discolor Holodiscus discolor

 ca$ 3.95  Buy Now 
This vigorous deciduous shrub has arching branches and gray/green leaves. Bears tiny creamy-white flowers in pendent panicles in mid-summer. Height and spread is 12 feet. 
Oemleria cerasiformis Oemleria cerasiformis

 ca$ 3.95  Sold Out
This arching, thicket-forming deciduous shrub has glossy dark green leaves and bears small, bell-shaped almond-scented white flowers in early spring. Flowers are followed by plum-like purple-black fruit about 3/4 inches long. Height and spread 8-12 feet. 
Rosa glauca Rosa glauca

  Syn. Rosa rubrifolia
 ca$ 3.85  Buy Now 
Red purple stems with almost steel blue leaves and the elegant single pink flowers make this one of the most desirable species roses for the garden. The flowers are followed by orange-red hips in fall. Height 6 feet; spread 5 feet. 
Rosa alba 'Felicite Parmentier' Rosa alba 'Felicite Parmentier'

 ca$ 3.75  Buy Now 
This hardy shrub rose has gray-green foliage and bears quartered clear pink flowers with a delicious fragrance. It is also disease resistant and has a long blooming period. Height and spread 4 feet. 
Potentilla fissa Potentilla fissa

 ca$ 3.65  Buy Now 
This perennial has pinnate leaves and saucer-shaped yellow flowers. Height 12 inches. 
Potentilla nepalensis Potentilla nepalensis

 ca$ 3.65  Buy Now 
This clump-forming perennial has wiry stems bearing palmate leaves and produces loose cymes of saucer-shaped dark crimson flowers in summer. Height 12-36 inches; spread 24 inches. 
Sanguisorba minor Sanguisorba minor

 ca$ 3.45  Buy Now 
This herbaceous perennial has pinnate green leaves and bears small pinkish flowers in erect ovoid spikes in summer. Height to 2 feet. 
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 10 seeds varieties) Result Pages:  1 
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01.Papaver somniferum 'mauve'
02.Gaultheria shallon
03.Meconopsis betonicifolia
04.Decaisnea insignis
05.Primula 'VanDusen Types'
06.Stewartia monadelpha
07.Darmera peltata
08.Allium cernuum
09.Papaver somniferum 'red'
10.Zanthoxylum simulans
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   Friday 07 February, 2025       58,798,205 requests since Thursday 18 September, 2003