Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens' |
Native Region: Southern Europe Zone Range: 05-10 Preferred Climate: Warm to hot temperate Harvest Date: Sunday 11 August, 2024 Seed count: 10-12
This hardy annual has grey-green leaves and its bracts develop a distinct metallic blue tint near the small purple flowers. Height 12 inches; spread 24 inches. One of the best annual foliage plants, Cerinthe attracts bees and butterflies and gently self-sows to produce plants the following year.
Cultivation: For maximum freshness, please keep seed refrigerated in its original packaging until it is time to plant. Soak seed for 12 hours, then sow in containers indoors or in a greenhouse in the spring. Cover with vermiculite or perlite and place under protection at 18 degrees Celsius. Or sow in late spring into open ground when air temperature does not go below 10 degrees Celsius at night. Grow as an annual with good drainage in moderately fertile soil that retains some moisture.