Camassia cusickii |
Native Region: Oregon Zone Range: 07-09 Preferred Climate: Temperate Harvest Date: Tuesday 28 September, 2021 Seed count: 15-20
This bulb produces pale to steel blue flowers in late spring on flower spikes up to almost a meter in height above wavy edged glaucous-green leaves. Height 24-36 inches.
Cultivation: For maximum freshness, please keep seed refrigerated in its original packaging until it is time to plant. Fall and winter sowings may be made directly into pots of sterilized potting medium, covered with a thin layer of coarse sand, and placed in a coldframe. Darkness is required to start the germination process. For mid to late spring sowings, seed should be soaked in pure clean water, then placed in pots of sterilized growing medium, covered with a thin layer of coarse sand, and refrigerated for 4-6 weeks. Move pots to a cool sheltered location with bright indirect light to complete germination. Grow in moist but well-drained fertile, humusy soil in full sun to part shade.