Rosa alba 'Felicite Parmentier' |
Native Region: garden origin Zone Range: 3-9 Preferred Climate: temperate Harvest Date: Sunday 20 August, 2023 Seed count: 15-20
This hardy shrub rose has gray-green foliage and bears quartered clear pink flowers with a delicious fragrance. It is also disease resistant and has a long blooming period. Height and spread 4 feet.
Cultivation: For maximum freshness, please keep seed refrigerated in its original packaging until it is time to plant. Sow seeds into pots or modules using standard loam-based seed compost mixed with coarse horticultural sand. Mix to a ratio of 1 part compost to 1 part sand. Cover with coarse horticultural sand and place in a cold frame. Germination takes 2-3 months. Plant seedling singly into 4 inch pots and grow on in a cold frame for a further season before planting out. Grow in moderately-fertile, humusy moist but well-drained soil in full sun.