Actaea pachypoda
ca$ 3.95 |
This clump-forming woodland perennial has ovate green leaves and bears white flowers in spherical racemes, followed by spherical white berries, each with a black eye. 36 inches high and 18 inch spread. |
Anemone coronaria
ca$ 3.95 |
This erect perennial has palmate, green, finely-lobed leaflets and bears single, solitary red, blue or white flowers in spring. Height 12-18 inches; spread 6 inches. Winter-flowering in the wild, and the basis of many cultivars. |
Anemone multifida
ca$ 4.00 |
This vigorous perennial has palmate green basal leaves with finely divided leaflets and bears umbels of creamy yellow flowers in summer. Height 12 inches; spread 6 inches. |
Anemone pulsatilla
Syn. Pulsatilla vulgaris
ca$ 3.75 |
This perennial has finely divided, pinnate light green leaves and bears pale purple bell-shaped flowers in spring. Flowers are followed by spherical, silvery seed-heads. 8 inch height and spread. |
Aquilegia chrysantha
ca$ 3.45 |
Growing 60-90cm (2-3ft) in height, it will produce clear yellow flowers, held well above the foliage on slender stems, in the spring to early summer. |
Aquilegia formosa
ca$ 3.75 |
Airy perennial with deeply divided leaflets bears pendent flowers with orange sepals, yellow petals with red lobes and reddish-orange spurs. Height 24-36 inches; spread 18 inches. |
Aquilegia vulgaris 'mixed'
ca$ 3.65 |
This is a pale blue selection of that delightful, and reliable, old fashioned perennial so many people remember from their childhood. Growing 60-90cm (2-3ft) in height, it will produce its flowers held well above the foliage on slender stems, in the spring to early summer. Height to 3 feet; spread... |
Delphinium 'mixed blues'
ca$ 3.25 |
Tall perennial that produces showy spikes of shallowly cupped flowers in shades of blue or white in summer. Height 5 feet; spread 2 feet. |
Helleborus argutifolius
Syn. Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus
ca$ 3.95 |
One of the largest Hellebores, H. argutifolius can grow up to 1.2m (4ft) in height and width. Large clusters of semi-pendent pale green flowers add a subtle touch of elegance to the winter garden. |
Helleborus × hybridus
ca$ 3.95 |
Helleborus ×hybridus is a group of evergreen clump-forming perennial cultivars that are 50-70 cm tall and spread to 70-90 cm. The glossy, deep green foliage can be quite variable in color and shape, even within the same hybrid. They have tough, almost woody stems with leaves and terminal... |